Dickie McCamey’s 2017 Pro Bono Award Recipients Announced

Paul Roman, Genevieve Pecharka, Janet Meub, Maureen Cosgrove, not pictured – Jason Ott
Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, P.C. has awarded its annual David B. Fawcett Pro Bono honor to two deserving recipients – Jason L. Ott and Genevieve A. Pecharka. The award is presented annually to the firm’s associate who has given their time to help those in need – a trademark of the award’s namesake, David B. Fawcett.
“Mr. Fawcett’s legacy,” said George P. Kachulis, Esq., “was not an award or a conference room bearing his name, but the civility, respect and community service with which he carried out his commitment to the profession and his obligation to his fellow man.” This character is woven into the culture of the firm.
This is the seventh year for the award, and five individuals were chosen finalists due to their strong volunteer efforts: Maureen K. Cosgrove, Janet K. Meub, Jason L. Ott, Genevieve A. Pecharka, and Paul A. Roman, Jr. Each finalist had volunteered at least 68 hours in 2016 to the following pro bono programs: Sharpsburg Neighborhood Table Legal Clinic, assisting over 135 working poor; Protection from Abuse Project, representing over 100 victims; and Best Interests Attorney Project, working directly with 45 children. Criteria for the award includes recommendations from program coordinators and results achieved, while satisfying all of their other responsibilities in the firm. Both Ms. Pecharka and Mr. Ott were awarded for the hours they dedicated to pro bono work and the outcomes obtained in performing that work.

Robert Racunas, NLSA Exec. Dir.; Mr. Ott accepting
on behalf of his son, Jason Ott; Genevieve Pecharka;
Judge Kim Eaton; Mary Ann Troper Malley, NLSA
This year’s keynote speaker was the Honorable Kim D. Eaton, Judge of the Family Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County. Judge Eaton spoke of the serious decisions she has to make every day and the appreciation she has when attorneys from Dickie McCamey are in her court. “You have blown me away with the work you do. You go above and beyond what you need to do. You are making a difference in the life of a child.” She ended with three emphatic thank yous.
As part of the pro bono award, Ms. Pecharka and Mr. Ott designate a charity of their choosing to receive a donation from the firm. They both chose Neighborhood Legal Services Association (“NLSA”) to receive the gift.
About Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, P.C.
Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, P.C. is a nationally-recognized law firm providing comprehensive legal expertise in a multitude of practice areas. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and founded more than 100 years ago, the firm serves industry-leading clients across the country from offices throughout the mid-Atlantic region in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, and West Virginia, and the Southwestern region in California. For more information: 800-243-5412 or www.dmclaw.com.